Some usefull command line tools In GNU/Linux

bash                              : GNU Bourne-Again SHell

tmux                             : terminal multiplexer

nautilus                        : the GNOME File Manager

ssh                                 : remote login program

scp                                 : secure copy remote file copy program

df                                   : report file system disk space usage

fdisk                              : manipulate disk partition table

clear                              : clear the terminal screen

less                                : backward as well as forward movement in file

more                             : file perusal filter for CRT viewing

vi                                    : Vi IMproved, a nice text editor (useful for editing programs)

ipython                        : tools for interactive computing in python

Git                                  : is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system

cat                                  : concatenate files and print on the standard output

htop                              : interactive process viewer for Linux

apt                                 : advanced  package tool is a management system for software packages.

tar                                  : the GNU version of tar archiving utility (stores & extract files from an archive)

pylint                            : python code static checker

xdg -open                   : opens a file or URL in the user’s preferred application

cmus                            : music player for command prompt

gdb                               : the GNU debugger

gcc                                : GNU C & C++ compiler

ctags                             :Generate tag files for source code

about Linux


Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution.It is programmed in various (notably C and assembly languages).It’s OS kernel was first released on 5-Oct-1991,by Linus Torvalds. Tux is a penguin character(above shown) and the official mascot of the Linux kernel.

